Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The World Inside the Box

Changing technology has always fascinated me but the energy it takes to keep up with it and participate can be exhausting.  A blog post I recently discovered via Twitter discusses this topic.  Michael Powell, president and CEO at NCTA, writes about the participation in technology innovation rather than the typical materialistic view.  I agree with the idea that purchasing new products does not make you "cooler" or "better," but gives you the opportunity to help technology advance.  The small contribution to society and the growth of our innovation is pretty cool.  However, the rapid pace at which technology moves makes it a little tough to constantly keep up.  You need to be on your toes at any given moment.  This is the main reason I have not upgraded to iOS 7 yet.  In order for my upgrade to happen, I have to delete all of my pictures and videos to make room for the upgrade.  This requires moving all of my data to my computer for extra security during backup and then downloading the new system.  This takes a lot of effort and honestly, I haven't had time.

However, supporting technological advances and choosing where our money goes is something many do not have the opportunity to support.  Powell discusses the pure pleasure and opportunity of this luxury.  Introducing the term of "unboxing" describes the feeling of opening a pretty, new Apple product box, exposing your new Apple product.  This blissful feeling is comparable to the feeling of moving our technological education forward as an individual in the movement of advancement.  I may have to upgrade a little sooner so I can be a part of this growing movement.


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