Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sticky Fingers in your Sleep

Sleep is an aspect of health that holds high importance.  Refreshing sleep allows for a shutdown of a person's day to rejuvenate the spirit, archive memories and recharge the brain.  What happens when your sleep is actually disturbed by technology during these modern times?  Recent studies have shown that more and more people are texting, updating social media accounts and even purchasing apps or retail products while asleep.  Talking while asleep is very common in both children and adults.  Statistics have shown that up to 30% of people have slept walk at some point in their lifetime.  According to a Swedish Medical Center the phenomenon of "parasomnia," the act of performing abnormal tasks while asleep, is now involving technological behaviors. 

Modern day society has become so attached to their smartphones and electronics that even while sleeping their use doesn't decrease.  This behavior disrupts sleep patterns, which in turn disrupts daily life, sometimes without the person being knowledgeably about it.  While performing these acts of social media account updates, phone calls and texting people you may not want to text, the recollection in the morning is scarce.  That is until you glance at your phone in horror as you may have sent a text to an ex-partner or boss.  This has become something most people need to look out for and a few tips are provided for guidance to slow down and get your beauty sleep.

1. Turn your phone off 30 minutes before you settle down for sleep.  If you are unable to turn your phone off due to alarm use or even for the comfort of knowing it's there if you need your phone, set it a fews feet away from you.  This way you do not have full access to potential problems.

2. There are many features on today's smartphones that allow for better control on alerts sent to your phone.  The iPhone has a feature titled, "Do Not Disturb" that allows the owner to set a time frame in which they cannot receive messages until the end time.  This feature helps with distraction and can be a great tool when trying to sleep well.

3. Finally, create a bedtime routine that calms you for sleep.  Do not glance at your social media accounts while in bed or before you go to bed. Stick to the 30 minutes rule.  Having your mind fresh and free of the social media buzz can let your mind focus on what your body really needs, sleep.

There are many causes to this new parasomniac activity, however, knowing yourself and knowing your potential risks can prevent future embarrassment in the morning.  Finding that niche to help your brain and body relax for sleep will flow into your waking life, giving you more confidence.  So turn off your phone or set it farther away from your bedside table.  You will be happy you did when the sun rises.

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