Tuesday, November 5, 2013

November: A Month of Gratitude


November has been a month about being thankful for what you have for generations.  Every year I patiently wait for Facebook to blow up with statuses of gratitude and modesty.  Today is November 5th and I have seen countless posts already.  Seeing these posts and reading about what others are thankful for really opens my eyes to the lives of others. 

I am constantly reminding myself to be grateful for what I have in front of me despite the many obstacles that are consistently thrown in my
 direction.  Sometimes it takes a moment to step back and realize that I am not alone, everyone has their own lives, their own happy endings and their own troubles. 

November is about putting that negative mindset aside and enjoying all that life has to offer.  Whether it be having a roof over your head, a loving family, a stable job, a higher education or even hot chocolate on a crisp Autumn day, taking the time to be thankful puts life back into perspective.

So today I am thankful.  I am thankful for having a loyal and caring family.  I am thankful for having the opportunity to enhance my education in a field I enjoy.  I am thankful for having the opportunity to experience new things when I have the means to explore.  I am thankful for being me.

 I am just thankful.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy to hear all the blessings in your life! I can tend to be too wrapped up in my own craziness sometimes, and I forget the long list of things for which I am thankful. I think it's very important to take time each day to remind ourselves of the blessings we have. However, that doesn't always happen. So I'm glad at least in November people take time to really think about their lives and thank everyone in them. That's also why I don't like when Thanksgiving is overlooked!
